Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Shared Awareness

As I was reading a classmate's blog, I found coincidently that we shared a similar interest not only in our desired field of profession, but also in our topic. I am glad to see that there is more individuals that are aware of the dire states of our judicial systems. It is necessary that "our criminal justice system [...] be reformed and more funding [...] be allocated to rehabilitation and inmate treatment programs" (. I hope that through our work and others similar to ours will help reduce the number of those who walk through the revolving door of our criminal justice system.

Personal Interest

The reason why I chose to write on this topic of incarcerated men is because I strongly feel that our justice system is unfair, and instead of "rehabilitating" these men, they target and punish them. I feel that the laws that sentence individuals maintains inequality that perpetuates the cycle of criminal behavior. I don't know if I bring a unique perspective to this topic, but I hope to add awareness.